Friends & family

Ladan Javid: Deepest Condolences

My dear Barb, Kevin, Rachel, Mary Ann and Laura,

How sad and sorry I am, and we all are for your loss and our loss.  As Skye sadly said, when I told her that her Uncle Neil was gone – “but Uncle Neil has always been there – I can’t imagine him not being there anymore.”  Indeed, he has been such a lovely part of our lives for so long, and he will be greatly missed.  We will miss his kindness, his wit and jovial disposition that made us all feel loved and cared for.  And of course, we honour his many significant and important contributions to the wellbeing of humanity, made so diligently and with great determination, during his professional life.

We will keep Neil in our hearts and will be praying for him and his wonderful family.

Though scattered all over the place, we all send you our deepest condolences and much love,


1988 Ladan Ted Nassim 001 2010 Natasha Nassim Anissa Skye 2

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